Thursday, December 15, 2005


Now I only have the beading to do:

I am absolutely over the moon to have finished all the cross stitching before the mystery finishes. I 'hope' to completely finish before the end of the year, but there are alot of beads to sew on so its not definite.
In other news I haven't got alot to report but I do seem to be excessively busy at the moment. Of course its the usual Christmas preparations combined with OU work. My final assignment of the year has now gone in so I can start to wind down a bit now.
We put our tree up today and its looking great this year and also in the decorations box we found my melting snowman candle. Its a cool candle I got from a charity catalogue last year. I got a large and a small one at a discount for buying both, and gave the small as a present. I will try and get a picture, but essentially it is a snowmans head on a melted body and lasts for ages. We put it on the grate today and the cat is being ever so neurotic around it lol.
On Tuesday we went to a local garden centre and I got a little fake tree for my room and some room scenters and candles with Christmas smells, like brown sugar, christmas pudding etc. One lovely oil I got for my burner from Colonial candles was simpley called Noel and well its beautiful-sums up the festive season perfectly.
On a slightly down note I am still keeping quiet as I still feel very stressed and wound up which is always the case at this time of year and doesn't help as I start to look back on the year and whats happened.

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