Well as we inch towards 2006 I am looking back at this year and out of 10 it gets a 6. Not bad considering some of the awfulness it contained but in summary here is the good, the bad and the ugly:
I found out who some of my most wonderful friends were when they stuck by me through every event and torrid emotion this year.
I had the most wonderful birthday helped especially by some of said friends who did lots of things to make it so special.
My parents as usual this year have been a huge support and comfort even at my ranting times.
I finally started fulfilling one of my life ambitions to start a degree.
I had my hair professionally coloured for the first time.
I had a few significant monetary windfulls.
I finished some beautiful cross stitch pieces especially Taj Mahal by Chatelaine.
This was the first whole year without Sara around to share stuff with.
I had to walk away from something I cared so deeply about.
It started to look like a big mistake had been made about my health which had a big detrimental effect on me emotionally.
My health has been less than good with alot of minor stuff going on.
I broke my foot which STILL isn't healed nearly 7 months on.
The stupid seller on ebay who sold me a digital camera and then nicked off with all the money.
A few nasty fights and name calling on msn which I didn't want to partake in.
A severe betrayal occurred by people I thought would be life long friends.
I think that is mainly it actually and it seems that the good does indeed mainly come out on top.
So here's to 2006 and may it bring you all health, wealth and happiness (which reminds me to add another couple of good points lol).
Flosstube 42 - New Year Update
1 week ago