Life is very busy at the moment with OU deadlines and health related stuff on the horizon too. But the good news is I was discharged from the psychologist this month which is a massive step for me. When I think what I was like at the start of blogging and how it got worse for awhile, I never imagined feeling like this so I have so many good emotions at making it this far.
I also attended the gtg at Joys and had a fab time and compared with many I was quite restrained in the stash I bought. I got a few pieces of hand dyed linen and a couple of balls of wool but overall it was lovely to see everyone and catch up again.
Finally Mack and Mabel are doing well and growing fast and although they can still be mischievous they have calmed down an awful lot. What is particularly nice about them is they spent their early days around alot of people and are very social and people oriented and come to greet us if we have been out. Here is a picture that was taken just a couple of days ago, it is rare for them to be together like this, because even though they are close they don't often cuddle up like this:

I'm glad things are going well for you Michelle. Your sampler is beautiful (I have a penchant for gingerbread men)! Mack and Mabel have certainly grown - it's funny how quickly they cease to be tiny kittens isn't it? Hope you're looking after yourself.
Great sampler and glad to hear you are feeling better. Mack and Mabel are little cuties :)
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