Saturday, December 08, 2007

Christmas Shopping

I have finished it and in a record time too. I am usually a very last minute shopper but with having lots going on it has really focused my mind and I am all done. Now there is the small matter of wrapping and writing cards and I can relax completely knowing all is done.
However there is no real rest for the wicked as the OU have decided we absolutely must have an assignment due with a cut off date straight into the new year. It isn't too bad as I am working on it in parallel to the reading and managing quite well, but you would think they could have given us at least a weeks grace. I decided to miss the tutorial today as some of it was covered last time, the weather is fearsome and I am rather tired and a little stressed at the moment. I don't think any harm will come of it as I seem to be getting on ok and the tutor is very approachable by email if any problems should arise so a quietish day won't hurt for once.
Just to make you smile I took some pictures of Mack and Mabel this week and here is one of the very few of them not only together but actually keeping still.

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